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Find German audiobooks on Audible (and get one for free)

Are you daring enough to fully immerse yourself in the language and listen to a whole audiobook in German? Audible has over 40.000 audiobooks in German you can listen to.

Audiobook in German is “Das Hörbuch”. If you directly translate it, it means “listen book” in English.

How does Audible work?

Audible is an audiobook subscription website from Amazon. You pay a low monthly fee of $14.95 and get one audiobook per month in exchange.

You can pick any audiobook or also spend a month without buying a new book. The subscription can be cancelled monthly without any restrictions.

How to find German books in the catalogue?

To find books in German, log in with your Amazon account and click on Advanced Search.

Select German as language and hit the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Here is the result: 43.186 German audiobooks available for you to browse through.

I personally love to listen to audiobooks on my commute in the morning. It’s a great way to spend the time and educate yourself in the meanwhile.

Here’s the link to Audible:

When you sign-up for the first time, you get one audiobook for free. (Don’t forget to cancel the subscription, if you do not want to continue)

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